Outreach moving Forwards

In November and December, our team members volunteered several hours on 5 occasions to entertain and inform highschool students about our project, importance of controlling chemical reactions and alternative fuels. The highly optimized iodine clock is always a hit receiving many ooohs, aaahs, and woah’s when the clear liquid rapidly “magically” turns black.

We’re doing fairly well online as well in December we passed 300 worldwide hits from 21 countries outside of Canada and reaching 1000 Canadian hits sometime last fall (not bad for the type of site and  launching less than a year ago).

A big thank you goes out to all our readers!


In December, our blog reached 300+ hits from 21 Countries outside of Canada! And we passed 1000 hits within Canada a couple months ago! Thank you for reading!
In December, our blog reached 300+ hits from 21 Countries outside of Canada! And we passed 1000 hits within Canada a couple months ago! Thank you for reading!

Back from holidays with a proof of concept battery

After a much needed break, we’re back in the battery game. We were in the lab this weekend developing our proof of concept zinc-air battery.  At first it wasn’t very promising, but after letting the battery sit for a bit we were able to draw ~.3 W from our proof of concept. From here on, we will be increasing surface area and decreasing volume until we reach a size and performance that we’re happy with.

Our very first battery!
Our very first battery!