We were at Jump Start!

We can’t believe it either, but it’s just 8 days till school starts again for the fall semester! The Vancouver rain once again reminds us of the imminent end of summer. Fortunately, the team has been working hard on battery testing, making the electric circuits, PCBs, and fundraising. Even with some days left in the holiday, new UBC students have begun to arrive. The Jump Start program (mostly for first year international students) has attracted many first year students. One of our goals each year is to attract new students and teach those who are interested, since they might become the faces of Chem-E-Car in the future. Therefore we joined the Jump Start Social to showcase our team.


I would say some of our volunteers too much fun putting up the perfect poster for the showcase.


We had some cars from previous years and we had to do some set up for the battery demonstration.


Later, we got a lot of traffic and explained the competition we participate in and the concept of the car. A lot of them were interested in the iodine clock reaction and the battery design.


If you look really closely, you’d see that we got our battery to light up 4 LEDs. We had red, green, and white LEDs. A team member joked that we were showing off Christmas lights (hey who knows, maybe we’ll someday have Christmas tree lights powered with fuel cells).

Well, that was Jump Start! We will also be at a booth on Imagine Day. So come check us out! We will have more demonstrations and maybe a working car!